Monthly Archives: October 2018

What do I need to do if I want to become a prop trader?

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Another way to ask this question is what do I need to do if I want to become a professional football player?

Anybody can become a ball player, but to become a great player, you must have lots of training, talent, discipline, courage and perseverance. Same goes for prop trading except that you will also need capital.

Here is the path I recommend:

  1. Study and find your trading style. Prop can be stressful and many suffer from anxiety.
  2. Start only with capital you can afford to lose.
  3. Pick a firm that can train you.
  4. Pick a firm that has profitable traders.
  5. Find a mentor that can teach you or show you how to make money.
  6. Get proper tools. Trading platforms, trading journal software, fast computer and internet.
  7. Work relentlessly. Study before, during and after market. If you are not dreaming about the markets, you are not studying hard enough.
  8. Help your trading buddies. You will also need help to endure the tough times.
  9. Open your mind about trading strategies and instruments and study them. Markets change and this exercise will keep your eyes open.
  10. Build mental toughness. Create a trading challenge once in a while that pushes you. Mine was holding a 10k share position.
  11. Have a long term plan. Prop can burn you out very quickly if you don’t have a balanced lifestyle.

You can see how well I did during my first few months as a prop trader here